Loss is an inevitable part of life. Whether it's losing someone you love, a job, or a possession, we all experience the feeling of loss. However, these experiences ultimately serve to complete us, guiding us through strong emotional states that shape who we become.
My first piece of work, titled 'The Grief,' expresses the initial phase we go through when we lose someone dear. The second piece is named 'The Acceptance,' and the third is called 'The Rebirth,' representing the moment when we decide to move on in one way or another.
In 1969, the American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross proposed a model with five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. As an artist, I compressed the first four stages into my first work and divided the last stage into two parts. I believe that each person has their own vision of how to go through such a process.
'The Love' is the second motif of my series. Love, which we believe keeps us captive when we lose it. Only in the phases of acceptance and rebirth do we realize that we can love without being bound, and that love is not a transaction. You either feel it or you don't, and no one can prevent it, not even the one who left.
From a technical standpoint, I employed a hybrid approach of photography and illustration in creating the three artworks. I find this particular art form highly gratifying as it allows me to synthesize my skills as both a photographer and an illustrator.
"The Grief" was part of the Beyond Barriers exhibition 2023 at the LAC Civic Gallery. 
The Acceptance
The Rebirth
One of the prints of "The Grief" is displayed in the home of art lovers in Spain.

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